
Throughout history, certain beauty standards have been popularized. It is unfortunate that people fail to recognize the beauty of the human body for its limitless uniqueness and diversity. My project looks at the human body as an organic matter, emphasizing our connection to nature. At the same time, I work in different mediums, exploring universal resemblance of materials.
Mixed media; plaster, colourant, gold leaf, instacoll
The shiny appearance of the gold mimics moving waters, while the ear casts mimic water plants and other natural forms. The work explores our organic origin.
Elbow Hills
The project first manifested itself in physical form. The bodily entities were created by casting elbows through impressing them into clay. The surreal world links humans and the Earth.
enter elbow hills world
Etching prints
The world is composed of very similar but unique units, creating endless imperfect patterns. Whilst mimicking such a pattern, one has to constantly fight the phenomenon of the fence effect — when an artist's hand automatically makes similar shapes, unable to easily create slight variations. This meditative process allows one to contemplate on the organic arrangements.
Mixed media; precious leaf metals on etching prints
This impression of human skin looks at the quality of translucence and the transformation of the visual world that comes with the shift of the light.
Lifecasts; plaster
The dynamic composition and the color of the artwork encompass the tradition of classical sculpture. However, it questions the Renaissance concept of perfect proportionate beauty.
© Marta Belogolova 2023