Artist Statement

This world of cosmic complexity and infinite uniqueness fascinates me. Inspired by the organic unity visible to the human eye, I contemplate on the way the world is composed. Looking into textures and surfaces, I study infinite patterns, connections and ambiguous signs of biological activity. Everything as a subject to fundamental forces manifests resemblance through the worldly origin. Meanwhile, despite the endless earthly plurality, uniqueness is an inevitable aspect of existence.

My practice centers on the phenomenon of seeing as a way to understand the world deeper. I am looking for meaning in the aesthetic sensations, visual specifications and visible repetitions. I aim to grasp the unison of visual complexity and underlying principles of existence.

In my art, I avoid the personal and reach for the universal. My practice emphasizes the banal and elemental features of the surroundings. I spotlight, glorify and monumentalize the most ordinary, neglected and even absurd things. To celebrate the visual reality, I accent details, marks, textures, and the so-called defects. I underline the abstract beauty of color, line and form, leading to the verge of hyperrealism, abstraction and surrealism.

I work with many traditional mediums, exploring and mixing them in unconventional ways. I do not aim to reach one method, nor do I use one medium the same way. Instead, I allow the project to choose the most harmonious material and technique. I am currently focused on; painting, sculpture, printmaking and gilding. However, my practice is about constant experimentation in which I explore the texture, consistency and behavior of worldly materials, using them to recreate the organic appearance.

With my art, I hope to stimulate contemplative looking. For the visual, I believe inspires unity, connection, growth, change and acceptance.
© Marta Belogolova 2023